ProID Mobile app for free download on the App Store and Google Play

Our ProID Mobile authentication app is now publicly available on two main platforms – the App Store (for iOS) and Google Play (for Android). In both cases, you can download it for free on your mobile phones. Until now, our applications were only available in the Enterprise Distribution Program.

What is the ProID Mobile method?
State-of-the-art two-factor authentication and Smart Card Logon to VPN or clouds. It uses an external certificate store with keys and a mobile phone with an application as a login tool. This has a lot of advantages, especially for ordinary users. While you can forget or lose your card, everyone always has their mobile phone with them.
Individual devices and licenses are managed in the ProID Portal web interface. It is possible to easily set various permissions for specific users, certificates and authentication tools themselves.
A detailed description of this new authentication method can be found on our website.
Connected apps, systems and protocols with ProID Mobile

Who are the apps for?
They are intended for new users of the ProID Mobile authentication method. They are free to download and install updated versions in the future. Likewise, organization administrators can refer employees to these repositories.
Furthermore, to all those who are considering our method and want to see in practice how our application looks, how it is controlled and how it works.
Warning: The mobile app itself is not a full-fledged tool. For its functionality, it is necessary to have the entire ProID Mobile method activated.
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