Securing access to Servis24 and Business24 electronic banking services with PKI Smart cards
Erste Group | Česká spořitelna
Our customers include the largest Czech hospitals, medical institutes and medical facilities. However, we also work for pharmaceutical companies.
Hybrid cards for controlling elevators and doors, as well as for two-factor login to computers and hospital systems.
A comprehensive solution for easy electronic signature remotely and on a smart card and electronic seal for laboratory samples.
Simple digital certificate management for administrators and medical staff.
ProID tools enable encrypted logins to computers and hospital systems. Administrative staff use two-factor authentication to protect infrastructure from password theft. This is based on smart cards, which can be used as an identification document.
We also supply add-on modules for managing and automating the life cycle of users and their permissions – for example, a card center for managing issued cards, a database for backing up all issued certificates or a module for automatic renewal of expired ones.
Laboratories use our tool for bulk sealing of interlaboratory samples – the qualified ProID QSeal electronic seal.
For example, our medical device security and digital identity systems can automatically sign mammogram or other test results.
For research institutes cooperating with external experts, we have technology for secure remote connection, encrypted document circulation or signing grant projects.
Our tools allow you to create a qualified electronic signature for signing eSick notes or ePrescriptions. Physicians who use certificates issued by the public eIdentity certification authority for signing can have them securely stored in smart cards.
However, we also deliver solutions for remote signature, where the entire system is built inside the organization.
For doctors, we have also developed a tool for remembering the QPIN value and using it multiple times – so they do not have to enter it manually every time they sign.
Our ProID chip cards enable personalised printing – they can act as an identification card to protect hospital premises and laboratories.
However, cards can also perform a number of other functions. Doctors can use them as a qualified tool for electronic signing of ePrescriptions, and staff as a tool for turning on computers or recording attendance.
Erste Group | Česká spořitelna
Orange Slovakia
University of Žilina