Replacement of OTP tokens with a mobile app
Orange Slovakia
Do you need to securely share electronic documents? Contracts, client information or bank details? ProID securely encrypts or e-signs files you send. We can process document agendas in bulk (up to 3400 files per hour) using the ProID QSeal electronic seal.
Tools for qualified electronic signature in card, mobile and as a remote service.
Ensuring the safe circulation of documents and protection against manipulation with their contents.
Automated management of digital certificates and their lifecycle management, which does not burden complicated operation.
Protection of corporate data using qualified means with stored certificates (typically ProID smart cards). Certificates handle both public keys for encrypting files they send and private keys for creating electronic signatures. These devices also securely store other certificates for controlling devices or office applications.
Our chip cards allow you to create a qualified electronic signature according to the eIDAS regulation and comply with all related legislation. They allow easy electronic signing of emails, files, documents, data and web forms, PDF files or image documentation.
Thanks to strong cryptography, they allow secure processing of sensitive documents (medical reports), their circulation or secure work from home (encrypted connection over public Wi-Fi networks using VPN). In addition, they enable printing and support the introduction of two-factor authentication in an organization’s computers and systems.
We can also solve electronic signatures in the form of a remote service (Remote Sign), which we build as an on-premise solution within the organization.
Chancellery of the National Council of the Slovak Republic
University of Žilina